Mens Sana in corpore sano​


Fehmy Fatnassi

“Een gezonde geest in een gezond lichaam”—dit simpele maar krachtige idee benadrukt hoe belangrijk de balans is tussen mentale en fysieke gezondheid. Bij The FFIT Company helpen we bedrijven om een werkomgeving te creëren waar medewerkers zowel mentaal als fysiek kunnen groeien en bloeien.

Hi, ik ben Fehmy Fatnassi, oprichter van The FFIT Company. Door de jaren heen heb ik zelf ervaren hoe lastig het kan zijn om werk en gezondheid in evenwicht te houden. Met alle druk van werk en privé is het makkelijk om je gezondheid op de tweede plaats te zetten. Daarom ben ik The FFIT Company gestart—om mensen en bedrijven te helpen een gezondere, gelukkigere manier van werken en leven te creëren.

Bij The FFIT Company gaan we verder dan alleen workouts. Het draait om sterkere lichamen, heldere geesten en teams die bloeien. Ik help bedrijven om een gezondere werkomgeving en een sterk en energiek team op te bouwen, met als doel het bedrijfsimago te versterken en de productiviteit van werknemers een boost te geven.

Empowering people, Enhancing workplaces

Corporate Wellness

On a mission to empowering every employee to achieve optimal health and mental resilience by integrating wellness programs into the workday

Small Habits, Big Results

At The FFIT Company, we know that real change doesn’t happen overnight—it’s the small, consistent habits that make all the difference. Inspired by Atomic Habits, we focus on helping your team build routines that boost their energy, focus, and confidence every single day.

When your employees feel their best, they bring their A-game to every customer interaction, making your business stand out. Let’s work together to create the habits that help your team shine—and leave a lasting impression.

Our Vision

Our vision is simple yet impactful: empowering every employee to unlock their full potential by achieving optimal health and mental resilience. Inspired by the principles of Atomic Habits, we believe that lasting change starts with small, consistent actions. By embedding wellness into everyday routines, we help employees build habits that lead to big, transformative results.

At The FFIT Company, our mission goes beyond improving individual well-being—we aim to reshape workplace culture by weaving wellness into the fabric of daily work life, one small, meaningful step at a time.

Together, we create workplaces where people are energized, focused, and motivated to thrive.

Our Values

Our values are the backbone of everything we do. At The FFIT Company, we embrace discipline as a tool to achieve goals, recognizing that consistency is key to growth. We have respect for everyone, no matter where they are on their fitness journey, understanding that every step counts. Our commitment is fueled by dedication, ensuring we go the extra mile to create meaningful change.

We foster team spirit, believing that success is amplified when we lift each other up, and we emphasize integration, making health and wellness a natural part of daily life—not an afterthought.

These values guide us as we help businesses empower their teams to live healthier, stronger lives.

Empower your people,
transform your workplace

Imagine a workplace where your team feels energized, supported, and empowered to bring their best selves every day. Whether it’s redefining wellness strategies or creating impactful programs, I’m here to help. Let’s collaborate to transform your workplace and inspire your people to thrive